Our brands
Our brand portfolio is carefully selected and all products have one thing in common: they have convinced us! We have high standards for quality and design and emphasize added value and sustainability.
Foam blocks, connectors, and wheels - it's as simple as that. MODU is life-sized building toy that provides years of fun.
The Membantu Cozy Cradle creates a sense of security and makes parents' lives a little easier.
The Moova baby carrier allows maximum freedom of movement in the ergonomically optimised, inward-facing position and is easy to use at the same time.
Der stärkste Babyrocker mit Geräusch- und Bewegungssensoren: Schaukelt Kinderwagen, Wippen und Betten automatisch in den Schlaf. Wetterfest, appsteuerbar und mit 12 Stunden Laufzeit. Designed in Scandinavia.
Bausteine, die ökologisch, nachhaltig und pädagogisch wertvoll sind. Das ist Bioblo. Die Bausteine bieten unendliche Möglichkeiten, um der Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen.
byKlipKlap combines function and stylish design in a distinctive product for the whole family.
The Magic Majestic Diaper Pail guarantees an odor-free diaper pail and works with standard plastic bags.
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